
How Much Should I Charge: What am I worth? A Guide to Working it out

Have you ever pondered the elusive question of aligning your skills with the compensation you deserve?

Healthy Wealthy Wise Artist Podcast
Life & Creativity Coaching
The Creative Purpose Journal
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Hey there! I'm Lara, a Life & Creativity Coach, actor, writer, and podcaster. With 25+ years of experience in the arts, my mission is to help you build a life filled with creativity, purpose, and adventure. 


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Listen to: How Much Should I Charge: What am I worth? A Guide to Working it out:


Welcome, we’re delving into a question that resonates with every entrepreneur, artist, and creative soul: “How Much Should I Charge? What am I worth?” A Guide to Working it out.

🌟 Decoding Your Value: How Much Should I Charge: What am I worth?

Have you ever pondered the elusive question of aligning your skills with the compensation you deserve? You’re not alone. Recently, a listener reached out with a question that many grapple with: “How do I know what to charge?” Join me as we journey from uncertainty to clarity.

How Much Should I Charge: What am I worth? A Guide to Working it out

Imagine my early days—a performer navigating uncharted waters in the business realm. Despite a background in performance education, setting a price for my art was a puzzle. I was so thankful for the work as a performing artist that I didn’t want to ask about money, let alone charge what I was worth! It’s a challenge many of us face—undervaluing our skills despite years of training. Let’s unlock the secrets together.

💡 Shifting Mindset: From Uncertainty to Confidence

When I successfully navigated the challenges of launching my creative and coaching business, the key to overcoming the ‘what to charge’ hurdle was a transformative shift in my mindset. One crucial lesson I learned is that determining what to charge begins with cultivating a professional mindset. One example was transitioning from sporadic online social media postings to a purpose-driven strategy, marking a pivotal moment in my journey.

“Value your worth, for in charging for what you do, you not only define your worth but also summon the courage to embrace it.”

Lara Bianca Pilcher

As a performing artist and entrepreneur, this professional mindset is the cornerstone of my approach. Whether I’m captivating audiences on stage or navigating the intricacies of business, the commitment to a professional mindset remains unwavering. In the realm of performance, it ensures each act is not just a display of skill but a deliberate expression of artistry.

Similarly, in the entrepreneurial sphere, this mindset propels me to approach challenges with resilience and strategic thinking. It’s about showing up consistently in the business arena and committing to excellence regardless of external factors. Whether under the spotlight or behind the scenes, the mindset of a dedicated professional is the driving force that fuels both my artistic endeavors and entrepreneurial ventures.

Consistency is paramount whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or creative professional. Approaching your work with intention, showing up consistently, and committing as a professional, regardless of mood or circumstances, is the foundation of lasting success. It’s not merely about acquiring skills; it’s about nurturing the mindset that propels you toward mastery.

🚀 Claiming Your Worth: A Journey in Self-Discovery

Beyond recognizing your worth, the true game-changer lies in boldly claiming it as your birthright. This journey isn’t just about understanding your value; it’s about making it unequivocally clear that compromising your worth is non-negotiable. Your passion and joy should seamlessly align with the compensation you receive.

Self-discovery in this process — plays a pivotal role in unveiling your actual value and setting prices that authentically reflect it. Embrace the transformational journey of recognizing, claiming, and unapologetically owning the worth you bring to the table.

“Taking your worth seriously becomes a beacon that guides others to recognize and honor the value you bring to the world.”

Lara Bianca Pilcher

✨ Navigating the Price Maze: Crafting Your Unique Approach

Numbers aside, how do you navigate the maze of pricing your services? Shift your focus from “How do I know what to charge?” to “What unique value do I bring?” Be the provider your audience genuinely needs. Become the standout individual who consistently delivers outstanding performance, changing the financial game in your favor.

Shift your focus from “How do I know what to charge?” to “What unique value do I bring?”

Lara Bianca Pilcher

🔑 Providing Solutions: A Key to Value

Understand this: people seek solutions to problems. Identify the pain points in your field and become the solution. Whether you’re a choreographer or an educator, focus on solving immediate problems. Market your solutions effectively, ensuring your audience recognizes your transformative value.

🔒 How Much Should I Charge: What am I worth? The Unveiling Awaits!

In conclusion, our journey to setting prices and embracing your value has just scratched the surface. The secrets to understanding your worth run deep; we’ve only begun exploring them. If you’re hungry for more insights, strategies, and personal anecdotes, don’t miss out on the full podcast episode.

In this episode, we dive even more deeply, uncovering hidden gems and sharing experiences that will reshape your perspective on determining your value. It’s not just about numbers but the mindset, the journey, and the transformation that awaits. Are you ready to unlock your worth fully?

How Much Should I Charge: What am I worth? A Guide to Working it out

Tune in to our latest podcast episode, where we unravel the mysteries behind “How Much Should I Charge? What am I worth?” Your journey to financial empowerment and personal growth is just a click away.

Listen to the full episode on Healthy, Wealthy, Wise Artist and join the conversation on social media @larabiancapilcher


With you on the journey, friend.


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I'm Lara, creativity cheerleader! 

G'day from this Aussie dynamo turned London lass, who embraced the Mama life in Melbourne before embarking on life in Atlanta, USA. With qualifications in arts education, life coaching, singing, dancing, and acting, I've sprinkled two decades of experience into my wild ride as a career artist. Cheers to big dreams and even bigger adventures! 

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Lara Bianca Pilcher

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