Artist Life

Is it Time to Toughen Up? Self-Care Insights for Highly Sensitive People

Have you ever been told to “toughen up” or found yourself caught in the crossfire of life’s challenges?

Healthy Wealthy Wise Artist Podcast
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Hey there! I'm Lara, a Life & Creativity Coach, actor, writer, and podcaster. With 25+ years of experience in the arts, my mission is to help you build a life filled with creativity, purpose, and adventure. 


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To listen to the full episode: Is it Time to Toughen Up? Self-Care Insights for Highly Sensitive People head to episode 27 on:


The Power of Sensitivity

Have you ever been told to “toughen up” or found yourself caught in the crossfire of life’s challenges? Well, you’re not alone. We’re diving into the world of sensitivity, joined by a special guest – the incredible Stefani Fryzel, a powerhouse recording artist from L.A. Is it time to toughen up? Self-care insights for highly sensitive people, particularly creatives.

Is it Time to Toughen Up? Self-Care Insights for Highly Sensitive People with Stefani Fryzel

Envision this scene: Stefani, at 30, seated in the comforting confines of her therapist’s office, unravels the revelation that she is a highly sensitive person—often referred to as an empath, signifying an individual endowed with remarkable empathy. This narrative unfolds as a profound tale of self-discovery, a compelling journey through life’s intricate twists and turns as a highly sensitive person.

The Strength in Feeling Deeply

We’re flipping the script. Sensitivity is a unique strength that can propel us forward in our personal and professional lives. Throughout this journey, I’ll share practical strategies – nuggets of wisdom that have helped us turn sensitivity from a challenge into an asset.

Is it Time to Toughen Up? Self-Care Insights for Highly Sensitive People Episode Sneak Peek:

  • The rollercoaster from discovering sensitivity to owning it as a superpower.
  • Fundamental, actionable strategies to turn sensitivity into personal and professional growth.
  • How to handle criticism and negative vibes like a boss.

Join us in the whole episode of Is it Time to Toughen Up? In Self-Care Insights for Highly Sensitive People, Stefani Fryzel and I spill the beans on navigating life’s ups and downs as artistic and sensitive souls. We’re serving insights, laughter, and maybe a few “aha” moments.

Let’s Smarten Up, Not Toughen Up!

Here are three quick takeaways from the full episode:

  1. Prioritize Your Well-being: Kickstart your day with self-care rituals to set the vibe right.
  2. Assess Negative Energy: Dive deep into understanding where that negativity comes from. Some criticism? It might just be your golden ticket to personal growth.
  3. Feel, Don’t Attach: Give yourself the space to feel, but don’t let it linger. Healing > dwelling.

Ready to embrace your sensitivity for a healthier, wealthier, wiser artist life? Hit play on the whole episode, and let’s adventure into discovery together. Because, my friend, it’s not about toughening up; it’s about smartening up!

Listen to the full episode ‘Is it Time to Toughen Up? Self-Care Insights for Highly Sensitive People’ on Healthy, Wealthy, Wise Artist and join the conversation on social media @larabiancapilcher


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I'm Lara, creativity cheerleader! 

G'day from this Aussie dynamo turned London lass, who embraced the Mama life in Melbourne before embarking on life in Atlanta, USA. With qualifications in arts education, life coaching, singing, dancing, and acting, I've sprinkled two decades of experience into my wild ride as a career artist. Cheers to big dreams and even bigger adventures! 

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